Excess Protection Insurance

If the thought of having to stump up potentially hundreds of pounds to pay your excess in the event of a claim is a concern, then our Excess Protection Cover might be for you!

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You can now renew your policy quickly and simply on the Lexham Insurance App or online via the Lexham Portal!

Excess Protection Cover

Excess protection alongside your Lexham insurance policy will enable you to reimburse your excess in the event of a claim.

If your insurance policy is either Third-party fire and theft (TPF&T) or Fully Comprehensive, an excess will apply to any claim for either the theft of or damage to your vehicle.

You can now take out a separate Excess Protection Cover to reimburse this excess in case of a claim. This means that your claim could effectively be excess-free if you select the appropriate level of cover.

Excess Protection Insurance is underwritten by Alwyn.

Excess Protection FAQS

What is Excess Protection Insurance?

With a Motor Insurance policy, there will often be an excess. The excess is the amount of money you’d have to pay in the event of a claim. Excess Protection has been designed so the excess is covered, and, in the event of a claim, your excess would be reimbursed.

Why do I need Excess Protection Insurance?

Excess Protection cover is an optional extra and not mandatory. As excesses can be quite costly, many people wish to have extra cover should they have to make a claim. This allows them to be reimbursed the cost of the excess, potentially saving themselves hundreds of pounds.

How does Excess Protection insurance work?

Excess Protection is an additional product and works in conjunction with your Motor Insurance policy. It covers the cost of your excess in the event of a claim, so, if the worst were to happen, your excess will be reimbursed.

Is Excess Protection Insurance worth it?

Taking out Excess Protection Cover is a personal preference. The thought of potentially having to pay out hundreds of pounds on an excess can be quite daunting and many people wish to have peace of mind - so, this is why excess protection is a popular add-on.

Is Excess Protection mandatory?

No, Excess Protection is not mandatory. When you have a motor policy with us, it’s an optional extra.

Various levels of cover are available.

Starting from £45 a year, we have a variety of excess protection cover levels from £250 right up to £1250.

Excess Cover amount










If your bike policy has an excess of £500 for example, once a claim under this is settled you’d be able to claim back the £500 from the Excess Protection insurance (assuming you’d chosen a limit of £500 or more). The cover is an annual limit, so if a first claim doesn’t use the whole amount, the balance is available for another claim in the same year.

Conditions and exclusions include but are not limited to: Cover applies whilst the bike is being used for social use or commuting to your usual place or places of work only – not for any business use I.E Instructor/Delivery/Courier. You cannot Claim from the Policy in the first 14 days of the Inception Date.

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