Motorcycle and scooter theft today is very much a common yet pressing issue. In 2021, there were a total of 18,182 motorcycles reported stolen across the country, with the figure from January to March this year coming in at 5591.
According to a more recent report from June 2022 from the Motorcycle Action Group motorcycles are at a disproportionate risk of theft as they are 11x more likely to be stolen.
Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, we can't eradicate motorcycle thieves from our streets completely.
But with that being said, what we can do is keep our beloved motorcycles and scooters as safe and secure as possible whether that be at home, work, or on your travels.
Before we get into it, one thing to note is that it is always important to follow the security requirements set out in your insurance policy as a minimum. However, we would recommend at least one other deterrent on your motorcycle to keep it safe.
So let's begin, shall we? Here is our ultimate guide to motorcycle security!

Types of Security to Protect Your Motorcycle
When it comes to wanting to keep your motorcycle as safe as possible, it is important to choose the best bits of kit.
In order to ensure the best quality equipment, I'd recommend buying something that is Sold Secure verified. Each security product has a rating of Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Diamond.
The higher level of metal lock you purchase, the higher the theft resistance will be. For example, Bronze has the lowest level of resistance in comparison to Diamond which has the highest level of resistance.
Ground Anchors:
There are two types of ground anchors available, one being a bolt-down option and the other concrete.
Ground anchors or docking points provide the motorcycle with a secure mount to a building or floor base.
Acting as an immovable object, ground anchors can be fixed to the floor or walls, allowing you to attach a chain and lock.
Bike Type: | Motorcycle, Scooter, and Moped |
Location Used: | Home or work |
How to fit: | Professionally Fitted Advised (but you can do it yourself) |
Security Chains and Padlocks:
Chains are a good way to make your motorcycle or scooter immovable
Simply thread the chain in around the frame and/or wheels and attach it to something like a lamppost.
Something to remember is that your chain should not be too long or dragged on the floor as with the right equipment, thieves could potentially smash the lock and chain.
Bike Type: | Motorcycle, Scooter, and Moped |
Location Used: | Home, work or on the move |
How to fit: | Yourself |
Disc Locks:
Disc locks are used around the disc brake and the wheel to prevent thieves from making a speedy getaway with your motorcycle.
Disc locks are lightweight and can be taken on the move with you in your rucksack. However, do not forget to remove it before you attempt to set off!
One thing about disc locks is that they do not secure you to an object, it is designed to stop the bike from being easily wheeled away.
Bike Type: | Motorcycle, Scooter, and Moped |
Location Used: | Anywhere |
How to fit: | Yourself |
Alarms and Trackers
For motorcycle owners who want to add an extra security system to their bikes, the perfect option is an alarm tracker.
When it comes to choosing an alarm tracker, it is important to select one which is Thatcham or Sold Secure approved.
So how do alarms work?
Alarms will ring when the motorcycle is started without a key. This adds a level of not only safety but reassurance to those who park their motorcycles on the streets.
More advanced alarm systems may include:
- a GPS tracker
- motion sensors
- remote engine disconnect
- plus a whole host of other features.
Alarms should always be professionally installed as a DIY job can potentially affect your motorcycle warranty or your insurance discount benefit.
How do trackers work?
A tracker, once attached to your bike, and as the name would suggest allows you to track your motorcycle's whereabouts via your mobile or computer.
Installing a tracker will not directly stop your motorcycle from being stolen, but it can help you get it back much quicker than without one.
One key piece of advice with trackers however is to place them somewhere well hidden. Thieves have a tendency to rip the seat off first in an attempt to discover a tracker.
Bike Type: | Motorcycle, Scooter, and Moped |
Location Used: | Anywhere |
How to fit: | Professionally Fitted |

What is the Best Way to Secure Your Motorcycle?
The ultimate way in which to secure your motorcycle is to use as many security items as you can, effectively.
According to the Metropolitan Police, the best ways to secure your bike are using a chain through the back wheel and securing your bike to an immovable item such as a ground anchor or a lamppost.
Combining a chain, ground anchor and disc lock can make the dream team when it comes to security and protection.
In addition, throwing a cover over the top can further help to hide what bike you have.
Are D-locks or Chains Better?
When considering which chains or locks are the best for securing your motorcycle, you may also ask which is better; a D lock or a chain?
With 7/10 bikes on our streets not being locked at all, it is good practice to have at the very least a deterrent on your motorcycle to keep thieves away.
In terms of practicality, D locks tend to be the smaller and lighter option, fitting perfectly into your rucksack or bag.
However, while chains are the heavier alternative, they are easy to wrap around the frame of both the motorcycle and an immovable object (e.g. a lamppost), whereas D locks tend not to fit.
Any lock can be cut by thieves given enough time and the correct equipment to do so. So working out which lock (or chain) would best suit the surroundings in which you park your bike can massively increase your security.

Where is the Best Place to Keep Your Motorcycle?
If possible, when at home your motorcycle and scooter are best stored away in a secured garage or shed.
For extra protection, you can purchase a garage door defender, a tool that you can install in the middle of your garage door.
Doing so will add that extra level of protection to ensure the safety of your motorcycle!
What if You Don’t Own a Shed or Garage?
No shed or garage? Your best bet is to park your bike in the safest place you possibly can.
Make sure to choose somewhere which is:
- Near to your home
- In an area with a good amount of lighting
- A Park Mark-approved car park

Other Motorcycle Security Tips
Remember to take your keys out!
An obvious one? Absolutely. But it is one of the most sensible steps in order to keep your motorcycle safe, stopping thieves from making a quick getaway with your bike.
No matter how far you are away from your bike, the moment your back is turned is an opportunity for a thief.
It is a good idea to get into the habit of taking your keys out of the ignition and keeping hold of them until you get back on.
Property Marking
Again, according to the Metropolitan Police, it is definitely worth marking as much of your motorcycle as possible.
Marking is a great way to deter thieves and make their lives more difficult when it comes to selling your motorcycle or the parts.
It is also a great way to help police identify parts of your missing bike, or even return it.
Looking online, you can grab the pens and do it yourself quite cheaply. If you’d prefer to go down a more professional route, explore specialist marking systems such as Datatag – For more on Datatag feel free to check out our article on how to use Datatags and apply Datadots.
Temporarily disabling your bike
Okay, whilst this wouldn’t be a scenario for everyday life, if in certain situations you wanted to take extra precautions, one of the easiest ways to deter thieves is by removing the spark plug or HT cap.
Will it protect your bike from being physically lifted? No, but its results are quick, easy, and relatively straightforward and when paired with other deterrents can be particularly effective.
Make sure you take photographs
While this may sound slightly odd, taking pictures of your motorcycle and any modifications you have made can really help - especially if it’s a rare model or one of a kind.
Pictures can quickly be used when posting your bike as missing or handed to the police in hopes of finding your vehicle or locating your bike if the thief has abandoned it in fear of getting caught.
Plus, this way you have an excuse to take photos or quick snaps of your beloved bike regularly…
The Last Stop!
So there you have it, here is our full comprehensive guide to motorcycle security!
Last but not least, it is also important to protect your motorcycle by having the right level of insurance coverage. When it comes to insurance for your motorcycle, make sure to get a quote direct with Lexham!
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