Have you been thinking about getting your full motorcycle licence but are unsure how much it’s going to cost you? Whether you are looking to switch from four wheels to two, or perhaps this will be your first-ever mode of transport, we’re here to help!

In this blog, we will run down all the costs included when obtaining your scooter or moped licence, starting all the way from your provisional up until your full licence.

So, without further ado - let’s get into it…

Provisional Licence

The first thing you’ll need to do before kickstarting your two-wheeler journey, you will need to apply for a provisional licence either online or by post. If you have not already obtained or applied for a provisional licence, you cannot legally ride a moped or scooter on UK roads.

If you decide to apply online, your licence will cost you £34, however, if you prefer to send off your application via post, this will cost you £43.

To complete your application, you must have a valid passport and national insurance number ready. You may also be asked to provide an address where you’ve lived over the past three years.

Applications can take 3 weeks, so bear that in mind when applying, and don’t book your CBT too nearer sending your application off.

The total cost of a provisional licence: Either £34 (Online) or £43 (Post).

CBT (Compulsory Basic Training)

After you’ve received your provisional licence in the post, you will want to book your CBT - typically your CBT will cost you around anywhere from £120-£200 in the UK.

When choosing a training school to do your compulsory training with, it is important to shop around. However, the cost of your CBT will depend on a variety of factors including, but not limited to:

  • The company you go with
  • Where you live
  • Whether or not you will need to hire a bike

What does a CBT involve?

Compulsory Basic Training (CBT) is a legal requirement if you want to ride a motorcycle or moped on public roads with L-plates in the UK.

During your CBT training, typically your day will be split into two halves:

First Half:

  • An eyesight check
  • Classroom work: running through theory and the bike controls
  • Riding around an enclosed area
  • Pracitisng gear changes, U-turns, and slow speed control.
  • More classroom work: Theoretical preparation

Second Half:

  • Road ride in a variety of different situations
  • Practising emergency stops, U-turns, and pulling over safely

Once you have completed your training, you can then ride a 50cc moped or a 125cc scooter depending on your age.

It is also worth noting that your CBT certificate will only last two years from the date you passed, so if you haven’t gone on to complete your further motorcycle tests - you will need to retake it.

Cost of Compulsory Basic Training (CBT): £120-£250

Theory Test

Before you take your practical motorcycle test, you will need to pass your theory test. At the time of writing, there is a little bit of a wait time for tests, so I would recommend starting to look as soon as possible to avoid waiting around for too long.

The theory test is made up of two parts including a multiple choice section and then hazard perception. If you are unsure of what hazard perception is, this section is pretty much a video test that focuses on spotting hazards on the road.

To pass, you will need to get at least 43/50 on the multiple choice section and then a minimum of 44/75 on the hazard perception. If you do fail the first time around, you will have to wait at least 72 hours before you rebook your test.

To find your nearest testing center, you can search for one using the search tool on the GOV.UK website.

Cost of a Moped Theory test: £23


Depending on the moped licence you are aiming for will depend on the level and prices of training available.

As you would expect, as you pass through the licencing categories, to pass your practical tests, you will need far more experience and training sessions to obtain your next licence type. For example, to ride a 125 at 17, you will just need to pass your CBT, whereas to ride a 390cc (A2) bike, you must be at least 19 and have passed your CBT, theory, and practical tests.

Below, we will be breaking down each type of training course that is on the market right now for each licence type. It is worth noting that the contents of the training courses will differ between each training school so it is well worth your time shopping around and see what suits best for you.

A1 Licence Course

Whilst just passing your CBT will mean that you can legally ride a 125cc scooter or moped on UK roads, you will need to ride firstly with L plates and secondly, you are not allowed to carry a pillion with you at any time.

This is why many people choose to go down the A1 Licence training course route. This course will typically include a few days' worth of training with an instructor, as well as having the costs for your two-part practical tests included in the price.

After you have completed your full A1 test, you will be able to ride a 125cc without L plates, carry pillions, and ride on motorways. As we’ve said above the costs of these courses will vary throughout the UK, however through some research, we have found courses from anywhere between £400-£600.

A2 Licence Costs

Once you have reached at least 19 years of age, you will then be allowed to try and obtain your A2 licence (if you wish to do so).

Completing your certification for your A2 licence will then allow you to ride a bike up to 47bhp and depending on your skills and experience, will depend on how much the A2 training course will cost you. For example, if you already have held an A1 license for over two years you will be looking at paying anywhere between £600-£1200 for training (albeit low level), including your test costs.

On the other hand, if you have owned your A1 licence for less than two years, this will require you to need more training and in turn the course will cost a little bit more. Again, prices will vary depending on location however a quick look at Google and course can be anywhere between £700-£1400.

Direct Access (DAS)

The Direct Access (DAS) option to your full motorcycle licence is for those who are over the age of 24 and/or have held an A2 licence for a minimum of two years. The best part about earning your full motorcycle licence is that you will be entitled to ride any capacity bike or scooter you desire.

What to expect

First things first, you will have to carry out the training on a bike or scooter that has a minimum power capacity of 390cc or 40kW (depending on whether or not you choose to use an electric bike).

In terms of duration, a standard DAS course will last over four days, however, it can be shorter depending on your experience level - such as whether or not you have already passed your CBT and have a grasp on basic riding.

Typically, a 4-day DAS course will include the following:

  • Day 1: The CBT
  • Day 2 + 3: Practicing Module 1 manoeuvres locally and passing your Module 1 test
  • Day 4: Practising on local reads and taking your Module 2 test

Price of Motorcycle & Moped Lessons: Dependent on Location & Course Type

Price of a Direct Access (DAS) Course: £700-£1600

Practical Test

Onto the practical section and to get your full licence at the end, you will need to pass both parts.

In brief, the Module 1 test focuses on bike control and manouvering off public roads, whereas the Module 2 test is more about road testing and seeing your capabilities on public roads.

Below you will see what each module involves in more detail:

Module 1

The first part of the test is focussed on completing a series of manoeuvers including a bay park, switching off the bike and moving it into an adjacent bay, as well as riding slowly in between cones in a slalom and finishing up with a figure of eight at the end.

After completing this section, you will move on to the slow ride, where you will be asked to ride in a straight line at a roughly walking pace. You will also be asked to make a U-turn and go around a bend at a slow speed before increasing your speed to 20-30mph and stopping smoothly between two cones.

Last but not least, you will be asked to complete two final manoeuvres, the emergency stop and hazard avoidance (these are the ones that people tend to have the most trouble with). They will follow the same pattern much as the previous manoeuvrers traversing the bend and then accelerating out of it the difference is you must reach an exact speed of above 32mph before either an emergency stop when the examiner signals or swerving around a cone.

Module 2

Onto Module 2 and there really isn’t much to say. This test will consist of a simple briefing, followed by a few questions regarding motorcycle maintenance and safety, and last but not least the 30-40 minute road ride.

During the road ride, you will be asked to follow signs on your own to a particular destination for one section of the road test before the examiner gives you the directions for the rest.

Depending on where you live and the time you’ve booked your test, you will encounter different conditions. An advisory tip is to make sure during your training you have experienced as many weather and traffic conditions as possible, as well as both countryside and city riding. This will help you to stay confident regardless of what the examiner tries to throw at you!

Once the module 2 test has been completed successfully, that’s it you then have your licence!

Cost of Module 1 Motorcycle Test: £15.50

Cost of Module 2 Motorcycle Test: £75 (Weekdays) / £88.50 (Weekends)

Total cost of Practical Tests: £90.50-£104


As you can see below we have laid out just how much gaining your full motorcycle licence will cost along the way for you to be able to ride a moped or scooter of any capacity you desire.

   Requirements:   Cost:
Provisional Licence For a 50cc Moped: Must be at least 16 / For a 125cc Moped or scooter: Must be 17
£34 (Online) or £43 (Post)
CBT Course Must hold a provisional licence and be over 16/17 years of age £120-£250
Motorcycle Theory Test Minimum of 17 and must hold a CBT Certificate £23
Motorcycle Practical Test (MODULE 1) Minimum of 17 and must hold a CBT Certificate   £15.50
Motorcycle Practical Test (MODULE 2) Minimum of 17 and must hold a CBT Certificate £75 (Weekdays) / £88.50 (Weekends)
A1 Licence Training Must hold a valid CBT and pass your Theory Test £400-£600
A2 Licence Training Must be at least 19 years of age and have held your A1 licence for 2 years £700-£1400
Direct Access (DAS) Course Must hold your A2 Licence and be at least 24 years old.   £700-£1600

Got your licence? Now insure your moped with Lexham

So there you have it, I hope you enjoyed our rundown on everything you need to know regarding the costs and training required to gain your full bike licence.

Last but not least, if you do have your very own moped or scooter you need to insure, make sure to get a quote direct with Lexham!