RideTo is the UK's #1 platform for motorcycle training and successfully trains thousands of riders every year. We often get a lot of questions come our way about accidents and insurance claims and we quickly realised that it's not common knowledge as to what you should do when involved in an accident.
So whether you have recently passed your CBT or if you’re thinking about setting out into life on two wheels, we’ve put together some top tips every new rider should know in rare the event of an accident.

Check for injuries
If you are involved in an accident make sure you take your time when moving in case you have suffered an injury. Once you’re confident you’re ok take a look around and check to see if anyone else has been injured. If anyone is injured or if you’re in doubt then it is always best to call an ambulance and make sure you’ve been checked out by a professional. Try to avoid moving someone who is injured unless they’re in immediate danger. Never remove the helmet of someone who is injured, leave this to the paramedics and seek help as soon as possible.

Keep calm
With the adrenaline flowing, it can be easy to lose your cool in the event of an accident. Just remember to take a deep breath and remain calm and take in as much information as possible. Your actions immediately after the accident can have a huge impact on the insurance claim you may make in the future.

Call the emergency servies
As mentioned above, you should call the Ambulance if there are any suspected injuries to anybody involved in the accident. Call the Police if there is an obstruction in the road caused by the accident i.e. If you’re unable to move the vehicles involved. If you are involved in an accident with another party and they have failed to stop and provide their details, then you should also call the Police to report this as it is a legal obligation.

Try Not to Apologise or Accept Liability at the Scene
It can be a natural response for some people to apologise in these situations, just out of habit but really try your best not to apologise as that implies you are the one at fault. Once you have admitted liability you cannot go back from there. Also, you may not have the full picture from your position so it’s always worth taking a moment to gather your thoughts and move on to point

Get as Much Information as Possible (Take Pictures)
As mentioned earlier, It is a legal obligation for all parties involved in an accident to leave their details before leaving the scene of an accident. So you should ensure you have swapped details with anyone involved.
Details to obtain and swap:
- Name
- Address
- Insurance provider/address
- Vehicle make and model
- Vehicle License plate number
It is also worth speaking to everyone who may have witnessed the accident. Make sure you get their details as these can be vital when making an insurance claim.

Speak to your Insurers
Make sure you report any accident to your insurers as soon as you can. You will have a contact number on your insurance documents.
Simply relay what happened as accurately as possible. It doesn’t matter who you think is at fault you still need to inform your insurer of what has happened. They will be able to advise you on your options and what the next steps may look like.
There are some simple steps you can take to help yourself out before getting into any accidents.
As always we recommend buying the best gear you can afford to make sure you’re as safe as possible. Most insurers will offer an option for your helmet and gear to be covered on your policy for an extra fee.
There are plenty of Advanced Rider Training courses out there that are designed to make you a safer and more well-rounded rider. Most insurers will offer preferential rates to those who have completed an advanced rider course.
Complete a Biker Down course. These are free three-hour courses designed to help prepare riders with vital information on what to do at the scene of an accident. Covering Crash Scene Management, First Aid for Motorcyclists and the Science of Being Scene.