With the huge rise of social media platform TikTok in the last few years, social media content creators have started to flock to the video app to share stories, laughs and more – but there are simply so many TikTok creators out there, so here are 10 of the best motorcycle TikTokers!
These are in no particular order, and it’s a good mix of creators from the UK and abroad, those on the rise and those arguably at the top. In any case, these are the people who are sharing just how good the motorcycle community is.
Note as well, follower numbers are correct at time of writing – they are going up quickly!

HarveyRidesBikes – 182.8k followers
Good vibes and Haribos. Harvey is a favourite amongst the BikeMatters team, with his love of spreading the love around London on his stunning Triumph T120 Bonneville (from Down & Out Customs).
Whether he’s having a surprisingly thrilling ‘Average Speed Camera’ race against a car, happily chatting away to himself on his daily commute for us all to enjoy, or fist bumping unsuspecting car drivers angrily sat in traffic (with their hand hanging out the window) Harvey seems to find the joy in all things two wheels – and is a seriously great account to pop up on your For You Page.
Superb Bonnie, too – check our Triumph Bonneville Speed Twin 900 review!
His account is: @harveyridesbikes

MotoJimm – 417.5k followers
Can I get a Hoyer? Moto Jimm buzzes around Norfolk on his Honda CB125R, vlogging his journeys and the exciting things that he comes across. Somehow he tends to come across some crazy stuff on the road and has a laugh every time – spreading his smileys as he goes.
He’s smashed it on social media, and has a laugh doing it – though maybe someone with a high-quality mic can get in touch with him, it sounds like he’s talking through an underwater walkie-talkie at points.
But it’s all part of the MotoJimm charm!
His account is: @motojimm

Supermotogirl3 – 576.5k followers
‘A girl who wants to see you smile’ is in her bio, and it rings true as her videos are simply described as the ultimate feel good content. She’s typically seen riding around Florida on her Suzuki DRZ - I suppose the clue of what type of bike she rides is in the name!
With over 10 million likes she is super popular, with a contagious energy and endless good vibes. it’s difficult not to smile when you watch her interactions with the general public – spreading the good word of two wheels.
There’s also the occasional trend and maintenance bit, and she spent a bit of time riding a Honda CBR1000R as a rental over her birthday – great stuff!
Her account is: @supermotogirl3

.royal_jordanian – 270.9k followers
A classic face (that nobody has ever seen) from years ago on YouTube, Royal Jordanian has now surfaced on YouTube to share clips on the daily life of a rider in London – often simply summarised as ‘manic’.
He’s regularly heard blasting around the capital on his Husqvarna Nuda 900 R, and isn’t afraid to give the throttle a twist and let it sing at an unwitting tourist who has stepped out into traffic.
He seems to spend all of his time riding around, so it’s a great way to keep up to date with life in London!
His account is: @.royal_jordanian

Scrambleroflondon – 137.8k followers
Sticking with the London theme, we have the ‘Scrambler of London’, and his TikTok content is simply good for the soul.
Riding out on his Triumph Scrambler 900, he films some beautifully colour-graded footage accompanied by a raw audio soundtrack of the parallel-twin, which sounds impeccable. There are no voiceovers, no dramas, and no stress – it’s just simple riding and we love it.
His account is: @scrambleroflondon

Nightshiftrider – 134.2k followers
Trends, memes, and general hilarity. NightShiftRider has a Suzuki SV650X, and knows his way around internet culture.
There’s a great mix of interactions with other riders and people walking around, motorcycle related trends, and even some tips for newer riders.
Good vibes!
His account is: @nightshiftrider

Basicallyhappy – 112.9k followers
Scottish rider Basically Happy rides around Edinburgh on his Yamaha MT-07, and captures the going on of riding up North, sharing his adventures and has a laugh whilst doing it.
He recently hosted a group ride that raised over £1000 for Mental Health Motorbike, which is fantastic!
Seems like a class guy, and is well worth a follow, he keeps it real.
His account is: @basicallyhappy

ChaseOnTwoWheels – 51.3k followers
We head back across the pond to America, where we find another YouTuber who’s now getting into the TikTok game.
With a growing audience, Chase builds bikes, rides bikes, and has a few videos on all the new bikes he’s able to sample.
Worth a watch if you want an American take on the two-wheeled formula!
His account is: @chaseontwowheels

Usernamekatemoto – 5371 followers
Social media motorcycling icon UsernameKate is perhaps more well known from Instagram & YouTube, but has taken to TikTok to share the highlights from her rides and what she’s up to – which often seems to be enjoying the newest motorcycle models!
She’s often seen at experience days and tours, so you’ll be sure to find some stunning content on her page.
A recent post from Kate is a day in the life of a motorcycle content creator, a great insight to the world of reviewing motorcycles for journalists and content creators!
Her account is: @usernamekatemoto

LexhamInsurance – 1041 followers
Last up, we have our very own TikTok account… now before you think we’re just shamelessly plugging out own content for the sake of it (I guess we kind of are), the 'LexTok' has a whole host of content for you to enjoy.
From specs and stats on new models, clips and behind-the-scenes from our motorcycle and scooter reviews, and a few takes on trending content – it’s worth a look to keep up with the BikeMatters team!
Our account is: @lexhaminsurance